Random Facts about ME!


Hey guys! So as fulfilling my virtual promise to be as active as I could get here on my humble blog, I have something just for you! Please just get going as


Yeah virtual friendly friends, you’ve read it right. I am going to talk about a little something about myself because well, you might be a tiny bit curious about who this person is behind the “alice in wonderbookland” thingy.

So these are the stuffs about me that I am quite comfortable to share with you at the moment. Please stay – no matter how random (or weird) it gets. 😅




  • I love corned beefs!
  • I love putting emojis everywhere. It makes my statement sincere. 😁 Although I sometimes hate myself for it. 😒
  • Book-Green-Leafy-VeggetablesI DO NOT eat vegetables. Well, there’s very few that I eat, I particularly hate the “green leafy” ones.
  • I am the seventh (and youngest) of all my parents’ offsprings. I am not supposed to be though, I had a younger brother but my mom suffered miscarriage. His name was “NJ”.
  • My mother’s name starts with “J” that is why all my 4 sisters’ names starts with J as well. My dad’s name starts with “N” that’s why my two bros’ names starts with N… wait, I’m a GIRL and my name starts with “N”. What the hell parents?!
  • I got bitten by dogs (our own) twice – different dogs. I was probably so thin they have mistook me for a bone.
  • According to my mom, when I was a kid and when people ask me what I wanted to be when I grow up, my answer was always “Noodle”. That’s a MODEL you judger!
  • When I was a kid my mom would always have my hair cut short – really pixie short. It was only when I was in high school that I had the “right” to grow my hair long. It was a lifelong dream back then you know – long hair.
  • I am terrified of frogs.
  • 12715406_1223286464352331_3135327572736226076_nI was a consistent first honor since Kindergarten until 6th Grade, and I was an honor student as well when I was in High School (not first anymore though, I was in a pilot section where everyone is a brainiac) and I wanted to maintain a low profile in college, but demanding scholarships so I had to perform – I was a consistent Dean’s Lister and I graduated Cum Laude. Haha that was an awkward thing to share. It sounds a lot like I was a nerdy, quiet, weird girl. Believe me, I’m not. At least not the “nerdy and quiet” part 😆
  • I was a Feature Writer, who eventually became a Feature Editor back in high school. I sometimes miss it you know.. writing. But I wasn’t able to pursue it anymore when I was in college.
  • I am not a big chocolate fan (like the rest of the girls). In fact, if I could
    avoid, I wouldn’t eat one.
  • I like the combination of Strawberry and Banana.
  • I have a boyfriend and we’ve been together for almost 8 years now. Prior that I had a boyfriend in High School and we were together for 3 years. Yeah I only had 2. Thinking about it now I’ve spent majority of my adolescence with a partner. I never had the opportunity to go on a “boy-hunt”. Haha. Yep, that’s us – me and my bf when we graduated in college ->
  • I sing fairly well… at least that’s what I wanted to believe.
  • I love spicy noodles.
  • My dream dog is a yellow labrador.. I now have a shih tzu (Cody – whom I call Codengdeng) and a golden retriever (Max – or Maxxxxipeal).
  • zodiac_leo-navyMy birthday is every 26th of July. I am a proud Leo 🙂
  • I took up Psychology in college but I initially wanted Interior Design or anything related to Arts.
  • I have worked for quite a few number of companies as an HR and I left my most recent one last year. At 26 years young, I am quite unsure of myself if I wanted to pursue that job. So if you are young and unsure, hang on.. a lot can still happen. 😁
  • I have few friends that I am still in constant contact with. I just want to keep it few and true. 🙂


I paused and asked my boyfriend to give one random fact about me because I’m running out of supplies! And his contribution was….

  • I am easily startled. Like hell yeah you could easily give me a mini heart attack just by patting me on the shoulder. It’s unnerving every. single. time.
  • I sneeze at least once a day and I sound an awful lot like a strangled kitten. Not that I ever heard of a strangled kitten before…
  • I can eat at fast foods alone.
  • My favorite time of the day is at 3 to 4 in the afternoon.
  • I have a thing for chubby babies’ armpits. Hihi, they are so cute!
  • I collect dream catchers.
  • I love traveling – I specifically love beaches, trees and high places.


  • Despite my small built, people are surprised to learn that I can actually manage to ride all amenities in an amusement park. Even the scariest ones. I love amusement rides!
  • I’ve had 16 cellphones, 1 personal computer and 5 laptops in my lifetime. Haha, I really counted.
  • I hate the smell of cinnamon.




Hmm that is probably just about it for now. I really don’t have much to share anymore. I hope you enjoyed reading and mocking me about my weirdness and all. And please let’s stay virtual friends okay? 🙂

Till next time!


8 thoughts on “Random Facts about ME!

  1. I hate the smell of cinnamon too! Gives me headaches! And I looove amusement parks rides too! I looove rollercoasters! Well, except yung may water (log jam? and the likes) just because no safety harness/belts. Haha!


  2. I have most of the same weird facts lol…Also a proud leo my bday is July 25 lol…n veggies yuckkkk especially cabbage ughhhhhh the smell of cooked cabbage is completely gross to me….


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